Lorenzo Maggiorelli, PhD.

  • 10+ Experience
  • 18 Publications
  • 60+ Media Appareances and Mentions

About Me

I am a Professor of International Relations at Pontifical Javeriana University in Bogota, Colombia. I completed my Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of the Andes in 2019. I earned a Master’s degree in International Cooperation and Development at Bethlehem University in 2012 and Bachelor’s degree in Political Science - International Relations in 2007. I am interested in the field of International Cooperation between East Asia and Latin America. My current research focuses on understanding the dynamics of socialization between China and Latin America.

Latest works

Revista 100 dias

Mi artículo sobre el impacto de la invasión de Gaza en el debate político israelí fue publicado en la prestigiosa revista Cien Días. Espero que este análisis contribuya al debate sobre las complejidades del tema y su relevancia en el contexto actual.

Read at Cien Días

Debate sobre Israel y Gaza en France24

Participé en France24 en un debate intenso y esclarecedor sobre el conflicto entre Israel y Palestina. En este encuentro me reuní con un capitán del Ejercito Israelí y el representante de la Autoridad Palestina para analizar a fondo las complejidades de esta disputa histórica. Cada uno aportó su perspectiva única: la experiencia en el terreno, la diplomacia y el análisis académico.

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Four Ways of Perceiving China from Latin America: Cluster Analysis of the Public Opinion Composition in the Region

This article questions how the perception of Latin American citizens about China varies, taking into account its commercial, military and political dimensions. The analysis found evidence in favor of the individualistic theories of public opinion, identifying four groups, one with a favorable perception of China in the three dimensions evaluated, another with a favorable perception, less so in the military dimension, and another two groups that did not. have a favorable perception of China. This study also shows that Latin Americans who do not support democracy are more likely to belong to groups with a low perception of China.

Read at Colombia Internacional


My latest article is now published in Pax Lumina. Explore the transformative potential of embracing diversity and fostering dialogue to pave the way for a more inclusive world.

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